Presentation Guidelines

We would kindly ask you to observe the following guidelines for your presentation at MATHMOD 2025:

  • The conference language is English.
  • Concerning the presentation in technical sessions:
    • Each presentation is given a 20 minutes time slot (including time for discussion), i.e. your presentation should not be longer than appr. 17 minutes.
    • The beamers are equipped with HDMI and USB-C connectors and have a 16×9 aspect ratio. It is thus strongly advised to prepare slides in this format.
    • Each conference room is equipped with a laptop (Windows 11, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Microsoft PowerPoint 2021), beamer, microphone and a laser pointer. If you want to use this laptop, the final document of your slides should be either a PDF or PowerPoint file.
    • The speakers should be present at the conference room 10 minutes before the beginning of the session to check the presentation setup and ensure a smooth transition between talks.
    • Please note that the session chairs are asked to strictly stick to the time schedule in order to allow the participants to change from one session to another.
  • During the conference, the technical staff will provide help if required.
  • In case of any further questions, please contact the Conference Office or send an e-mail to .